Saturday, April 12, 2008

Write Your Own Ending

On page 290, it says, "When we are open to possibilities and committed to excellence, kids soar as writers." That pretty much says it all... :)

Chapter 12: Make Every Minute Count

I really liked the "Secrets of Good Writers". I thought having a list of those secrets for the students as well as giving them the opportunity to list their own secrets was a great idea!

I definitely am having my students write more in class and they are really enjoying it! It does not seem at all like work when they seem to love what they are doing. This past week, each student chose an animal picture they liked and then wrote a haiku about that picture. They were eager to show and share what they had accomplished.
They were proud of their work and I even had another student who wrote another poem and then shared it with the rest of the class.

Next week, we are going to do some free choice writing. I asked them to think about what story they would like to write over the weekend. Following Regie's advice, I will once again have my students talk with each other about the story they are planning to write. It is such a great way to get encouragement from others and even some good ideas or suggestions. Some students asked if they could write a biography of someone or maybe a non-fiction piece. I am not sure how that will all work out, but it sure sounds interesting!! I have a feeling it will be a fun week!

On page 284, Regie talks about how difficult it is to come to school excited about teaching when you have spent many hours the night before grading papers. I have noticed that on the nights I have not brought home a ton of papers to grade, I am so much more relaxed the next day and much, much more rested. It is nice to have someone write about that part of teaching that we can all relate to. :)

Even though this was a short chapter, I really enjoyed its message.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Chapter 11: Build on Best Practice and Research

I think this chapter had several statements that were definitely worth reading a few times over. This entire book has had several liberating statements about writing and some just about teaching in general. What a breath of fresh air!

I enjoyed the information on page 278 about persuasive writing. I think it was about a couple of years ago that Union Valley wrote letters to the state. The students tried to persuade the state to rebuild the bridge over 61 Highway once they widened the highway. Whether it was the student letters or some other influence, the state decided to rebuild the bridge after the highway work was completed. What an incredible way to show the power of the pen!

On page 270, Regie writes that "you achieve what you believe." This is so true and powerful.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Chapter 10: Make Assessment Count

I definitely liked the Good Writing rubric for third grade found on page 241. It is very simple, to the point, and easily understood by students as well as teachers.

The idea of naming the reader during assessments was really a great idea. It might be fun to go a step further and actually have a face (maybe a picture from a magazine) to go along with the name. Our class has pen pals at Morgan school and the last time they wrote, they included their school pictures in their letters. My class seemed to enjoy writing their pen pal letters even more when they were actually able to see the face of the person they had been writing to all year.

I liked her thoughts on giving students more of the responsibility of evaluating their own writing. It is just important to teach them how that is to be done.