Sunday, April 6, 2008

Chapter 10: Make Assessment Count

I definitely liked the Good Writing rubric for third grade found on page 241. It is very simple, to the point, and easily understood by students as well as teachers.

The idea of naming the reader during assessments was really a great idea. It might be fun to go a step further and actually have a face (maybe a picture from a magazine) to go along with the name. Our class has pen pals at Morgan school and the last time they wrote, they included their school pictures in their letters. My class seemed to enjoy writing their pen pal letters even more when they were actually able to see the face of the person they had been writing to all year.

I liked her thoughts on giving students more of the responsibility of evaluating their own writing. It is just important to teach them how that is to be done.


Mindy Wills said...

I think the assessment guidelines we created with Tamara are helpful in assessing student writing. It was a relief to read in the chapter that 80% of student writing does not need to be graded! Maybe we should work with our students on how to use the writing guidelines for self evaluation? It would be interesting to see how it helps them improve their work.

Mrs. Voth said...

I also want to try having the students self-assess their writing once a 9 wks., but it is going to take a lot of modeling with the students in order for this to be effective. I use to have my 6th graders do this and believe it or not, they were harder on themselves than I would have been if I was scoring that piece of writing.