Saturday, April 12, 2008

Chapter 12: Make Every Minute Count

I really liked the "Secrets of Good Writers". I thought having a list of those secrets for the students as well as giving them the opportunity to list their own secrets was a great idea!

I definitely am having my students write more in class and they are really enjoying it! It does not seem at all like work when they seem to love what they are doing. This past week, each student chose an animal picture they liked and then wrote a haiku about that picture. They were eager to show and share what they had accomplished.
They were proud of their work and I even had another student who wrote another poem and then shared it with the rest of the class.

Next week, we are going to do some free choice writing. I asked them to think about what story they would like to write over the weekend. Following Regie's advice, I will once again have my students talk with each other about the story they are planning to write. It is such a great way to get encouragement from others and even some good ideas or suggestions. Some students asked if they could write a biography of someone or maybe a non-fiction piece. I am not sure how that will all work out, but it sure sounds interesting!! I have a feeling it will be a fun week!

On page 284, Regie talks about how difficult it is to come to school excited about teaching when you have spent many hours the night before grading papers. I have noticed that on the nights I have not brought home a ton of papers to grade, I am so much more relaxed the next day and much, much more rested. It is nice to have someone write about that part of teaching that we can all relate to. :)

Even though this was a short chapter, I really enjoyed its message.


vicki'svoice said...

I am seeing longer and better writing with my first graders when they talk about what to write, then start writing. The talking really helps them.

Vicky Richardson said...

I am also trying to write more in class. Last week we had the students write poems about spring and write their final copy on a cut out of an umbrella. The umbrella was then added to a water color-crayon resist spring picture. The poems turned out great, and the students had fun with the art lesson too.

Mrs. Gary said...

It sounds like we are all feeling good about what we are doing. Regie has made us stop and think. I liked the "Secrets of Good Writers" too.

Bernetta said...

It is nice to observe kids writing when they are motivated and excited about their project. I too have seen a difference in my students willingness to write and they are always excited to share!